Process & Policy
Find guidelines and procedures for IT operations and project management.
Functional Groups
The university’s IT landscape is comprised of various functional groups, each focusing on specific aspects of technology and support. Some functional groups have specific responsibilities, such as managing network connections or overseeing resource distribution. Others serve as collaborative platforms, offering IT professionals the opportunity to share knowledge, discuss best practices, and find solutions to common challenges. While the list below provides an overview of some key functional groups, it is not exhaustive, as the IT landscape is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the university community.
Subnet Managers
Subnet Managers work directly with the Networking & Telecommunications team in the Division of IT to manage local network connections.
Resource Coordinators
Resource Coordinators manage distribution lists, shared mailboxes, Microsoft Teams, and more through the Resource Coordinator Tools.
CSU IT Community
The CSU IT Community consists of IT professionals at CSU sharing and seeking advice on best practices in IT and cybersecurity in higher education. It serves as one of the primary communication channels for the Division of IT to disseminate information to the distributed IT community.
Cross Campus Support
The CSU Cross Campus Support Microsoft Team is the place to share tips and helpful information for IT staff in help desk roles.
Web Developers
The CSU Web Developers Microsoft Team is the place to share tips and ask questions for IT staff in web development roles.
Fort Collins Community Network
Fort Collins Community Network (FCCN) is an unincorporated association of public entities in northern Colorado that participate in collaborative networking.