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UTFAB Bylaws

These documents are presented as amended and adopted by the UTFAB in 2019.

Article I: Name and Affiliation

The name of this organization shall be the University Technology Fee Advisory Board (“UTFAB” or “Board”).

Article II: Mission

The mission of the University Technology Fee Advisory Board shall be to provide guidance and advice in the implementation and application of technology at Colorado State University; to review all allocation requests of the University Technology Fee; and to ensure that all allocations of the University Technology Fee are used to provide technology that has the potential to benefit as many Colorado State University students as possible in accordance with the funding rules articulated in Article VII of these Bylaws.

Article III: Membership

Section 1. Voting members shall consist of student members appointed by college Charges for Technology committees or college councils, a student member appointed by the Graduate School Council, and two student-at-large members. Members’ terms of office shall commence with the election of a new chairperson at the final meeting of the spring semester, and end at the conclusion of regular business at the final meeting of the following spring semester.
Section 2. Each college shall appoint one student member from their designated Charges for Technology allocation committee or college council prior to the last UTFAB meeting of the spring semester. New members shall be encouraged to work with outgoing members of the Board to aide in the transition process. In the absence of an appointment by a college by the second week of September, the student member shall be appointed by the dean of the college. Student-at-large members shall be appointed by the newly elected ASCSU President prior to the last UTFAB meeting of the spring semester. The Graduate School Council shall appoint a member prior to the last meeting of the spring semester. In the absence of an appointment from the Graduate School Council, the Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs or Vice President for Research shall appoint a representative from the Graduate School.
Section 3. Each appointing body may appoint one or two Associate Member(s), with the approval of the Chairperson. Associate Members must be from within the same college or area of representation as their voting member. The ASCSU President may appoint one or two student-at-large Associate Members with the approval of the Chairperson.
Section 4. The Vice President for Information Technology or their designee shall serve as the Adviser to the Board. Ex-officio members may be appointed to serve for the duration of the current academic year at the purview of the Chairperson. In the interest of collaboration with the University Facility Fee Advisory Board (UFFAB), the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of UFFAB shall have ex-officio status. Page 2 As adopted 2019-11-07
Section 5. Members must not miss more than two (2) unexcused meetings per semester. Members may be excused from attending meetings at the discretion of the Chairperson. Members are responsible for ensuring associate representatives from their college or appointing body are present in the event they are unable to attend a meeting. Members who miss two meetings per semester without being excused by the Chairperson may be removed from the Board at the discretion of the Chairperson.
Section 6. A member may be removed from the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total voting membership of the Board. All voting members must be notified at least one week prior to a vote for removal.
Section 7. In the event of a member’s removal per Article III, Section 5 or Section 6, the Associate Member shall assume full voting rights. If more than one Associate Member has been appointed to represent an appointing body, the appointing body will be responsible for designating the replacement voting member. If no Associate Members have been appointed, a replacement member shall be appointed in accordance with Article III, Section 2.

Article IV: Officers and Representatives

Section 1. The Chairperson shall be elected at the last meeting of the spring semester by a majority vote of the members who have been selected to serve for the following academic year. If no replacement for an outgoing member has been identified, the outgoing member shall be authorized to vote in the election. The outgoing Chairperson shall preside over the election of the new Chairperson and shall relinquish the Chair at the conclusion of the election of the new Chairperson. The Chairperson shall work with the Adviser to schedule and preside over all meetings of the Board; prepare agendas; maintain correspondence of the Board; maintain documentation and minutes of the activities of the Board; and serve as a representative to the ASCSU Student Fee Review Board (the SFRB). The Chairperson should be a returning member of the Board, if possible.
Section 2. Two Co-Vice Chairpersons shall be elected at the last meeting of the spring semester by a majority vote of the members who have been selected to serve for the following academic year. The CoVice Chairpersons shall take meeting minutes, maintain documentation of all actions of the Board, coordinate with the Advisor to maintain the UTFAB website, act on behalf of the Chairperson in the event of their absence or incapacity, and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Chairperson. These duties shall be divided between the two Co-Vice Chairpersons upon agreement with the Advisor, Chairperson and both Co-Vice Chairpersons. The election of either or both Co-Vice Chairpersons may be postponed to the first meeting of the fall semester by unanimous consent.
Section 3. The Adviser shall be responsible for maintaining records of the Board’s activities and serve as a representative to the ASCSU Student Fee Review Board. The Adviser shall also serve as the fiscal manager for the University Technology Fee.
Section 4. The Chairperson or Co-Vice Chairpersons may be removed from the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total voting membership of the Board. All voting members must be notified at least one week prior to a vote for removal. In the event of a vacancy in the Chairperson (through removal or otherwise), the Co-Vice Chairperson with the longest tenure on the Board (or the senior-most in terms of completed academic credits, if both Co-Vice Chairs have equivalent tenure) shall serve as Chairperson, and a new Co-Vice Chairperson shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present. In the event of a vacancy in a Co-Vice Chairperson (through removal or otherwise), a new Co-Vice Chairperson shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present.

Article V: Meetings

Section 1. The Board shall meet once per week or at the discretion of the Chairperson. All voting members shall be notified of meeting time, date and location at least one week prior to each meeting. Page 3 As adopted 2019-11-07
Section 2. All UTFAB meetings shall be open to the public. Interested parties are welcome to attend. The Board may, by a two-thirds majority vote, elect to go into Executive Session where non-Board participants shall be excused from the meeting. Project voting may be conducted in Executive Sessions, where nonBoard participants shall be excused from the meetings.
Section 3. All official actions of the Board shall be open for public inspection. The Adviser shall be responsible for ensuring that copies of the minutes and other materials presented to the members at the meetings are available to members or other parties requesting these materials.
Section 4. Ex-officio members shall be non-voting, and serve in a support capacity, including advising, administrative support and other activities as directed by the Chairperson. Ex-officio members may be asked to remove themselves from portions of meetings, designated as Executive Sessions where sensitive material is presented, at the discretion of the Chairperson.
Section 5. Quorum shall consist of seven (7) voting members.
Section 6. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition shall govern the Board in all cases not addressed by these Bylaws.

Article VI: Responsibilities

Section 1. The UTFAB shall be responsible for reviewing the services and budgets for all areas funded by the University Technology Fee. All fee funded areas under the purview of the Board shall make a presentation, including, if appropriate, progress on their approved three (3) year project plan, to the Board during the fall semester on the services made available to the students ofColorado State University.
Section 2. In the spring semester, all areas seeking funding for the forthcoming year shall make a request to the Board. This shall be done in accordance with the three (3) year project plan presented in the fall semester. Departments seeking funding that have not previously presented a three (3) year project plan to the Board shall be required to make such a presentation at the time funding is requested. All funded areas under the purview of the Board will be required to make a presentation in the following fall semester in accordance with Article VI, Section 1 of these Bylaws.
Section 3. Should there be a positive fund balance in the current fiscal year, the UTFAB may accept additional proposals for funding. These proposals may be for expansion of existing UTFAB projects or for new projects. Such projects and proposals shall be in accordance with all other specifications in these Bylaws. The Chairperson shall designate the manner in which these proposals are solicited, received, screened, and accepted for presentation to the Board. To ensure that all projects are considered in a fair and unbiased fashion, approval for any project should generally be withheld until all project proposals to be considered by the Board have been received and legitimized. In the event that the sum of all funding requests exceeds funds available, the Board shall hold discussion and debate on all proposals during which any member may make a motion to amend or reject any given proposal. If, after debate has concluded, the sum of all funding requests continues to exceed funds available, the Board shall conduct a ranking vote by secret ballot to determine the priority assigned to each request. Finally, the Board shall conduct a vote on each proposal in order of established priority.
Section 4. The UTFAB shall not recommend funding beyond the fiscal year for which the proposal is made. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board for proposals that include multi-year contracts for vendor software, hardware, and support.
Section 5. The University Technology Fee shall not be used to fund items that are funded by the Charges for Technology assessed by each individual college or the Open Option within Colorado State University, except in cases where Charges for Technology funds are used to provide co -sponsorship for a University Technology Fee-funded project. Page 4 As adopted 2019-11-07
Section 6. The UTFAB shall review allocation requests on an annual basis and make recommendations to the ASCSU Student Fee Review Board (SFRB) based on the availability of projected funds.
Section 7. The UTFAB Chairperson and Adviser shall be responsible for making presentations to the SFRB in accordance with the Student Fee Review Board Bylaws.

Article VII: Funding Rules

Section 1. The UTFAB will evaluate project plan proposals by the following criteria (in no specific order):
1. The project’s ability to benefit as many Colorado State University students as possible;
2. The project’s ability to effectively utilize the fee;
3. The project proposalis not funded through individual college Charges for Technology;
4. The project’s adherence to its planned budget and accountability for its expensesthroughout the past fiscal year, if appropriate;
5. The project’s potential for direct student use;
6. The effort, thought, justification and clarity reflected in the project plan and presentation;
7. The justification for the project provided to the Board in the form of quantitative student usage information;
8. The level of financial co-sponsorship being contributed to the project by the University;
9. The project’s contribution to the overall balance between central and distributed technology in the University information technology environment;
10. The proposed technology orservice is not currently provided through other University Technology Fee-funded projects;
11. The costs and potential benefits of the project; and
12. The project’s effort to address or include sustainability considerations such as:the purchase of ENERGY STAR rated equipment (whenever possible or feasible); select EPEAT registered products (whenever possible or feasible); equipment or technology that minimizes energy consumption through low energy use design or settings; energy conservation practices; life – cycle assessments; paper savings; minimization of packaging materials; and/or plan for proper disposal at end of useful life.
13. The project’s ability to promote and assist the academic mission of Colorado State University as it relates to student success.
Section 2. Any and all expenditures not included in the project budget presented to the Board, and therefore not approved at the time of project approval must be approved by a majority vote of the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 3. The Board shall maintain $40,000 in each fiscal year reserved to account for a shortfall in revenue. This reserve may be suspended in the current fiscal year by majority vote at two consecutive regularly scheduled meetings.

Article VIII: Voting

Section 1. Each college/council-appointed representative and student-at-large representative shall have one vote. Associate Members shall be responsible for voting on behalf of their respective appointing body in the event of their primary representative’s absence. The results of a vote, and therefore the “actions of the Board”, are determined by a simple majority decision of those eligible to vote. Quorum must be present before a vote can be taken. Votes related to funding requests should be based on funding rules articulated in Article VII of these Bylaws.
Section 2. After the conclusion of a scheduled presentation for funding, a vote shall be taken on the legitimacy of each project plan and budget. A second vote approving projects for funding shall be taken at or before the final scheduled meeting of the Board on feasible scenarios determined by the Chairperson and Adviser. Each member shall retain the right to vote no on any and all scenarios or to abstain from the vote. If time permits, the selected feasible scenario shall be presented to the SFRB for their endorsement.
Section 3. The UTFAB Chairperson shall poll members to clarify reasons for voting “no” on project proposals and budgets. This information shall be reviewed by the Chairperson and the Advisor to determine Page 5 As adopted 2019-11-07 if members are basing their votes on accurate information and the Funding Rules in Article VII, as well as to provide feedback to those outside the Board who made the proposal. The rationale for “no” votes shall be recorded anonymously in the minutes and communicated to the project proposers by referring them to the minutes.
Section 4. In the event that a proposal is made to the Board while the Board is not in session, the Chairperson shall have the authority to approve allocations with the consent ofthe ASCSU President.
Section 5. The Board shall have the authority to recommend an increase or decrease to the University Technology Fee assessed to all students. A motion to this effect, which specifies the amount of increase or decrease, may be offered by any member and requires two votes to adopt. The first vote shall be on the legitimacy of the increase or decrease with respect to projected revenues and allocations for the upcoming fiscal year and requires a majority vote to approve. Upon passage of the first vote, the recommendation will be placed in Old Business on the agenda of each subsequent meeting, and the Board shall retain the ability to table the discussion and final vote on the recommendation until the meeting immediately prior to the spring presentation to the Student Fee Review Board. After the first vote is taken, a two-thirds majority vote shall be required to amend the amount of the increase or decrease. Prior to the final vote, the Chair and Advisor shall be responsible for ensuring that at least one open forum session is held for the entire student body to allow for discussion on the rationale behind any proposed fee modification. The final vote on the motion to recommend an increase or decrease to the University Technology Fee shall require a two thirds majority for adoption of there commendation.

Article IX: Amendment Procedure

Section 1. Amendments to these bylaws shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total voting membership at two consecutive regularly scheduled meetings.
Section 2. The Board shall conduct a general review of these bylaws every year