Deadline for required cybersecurity training is Dec. 20 The Division of Information Technology encourages all faculty and staff to log in to Litmos and confirm the training has been completed prior to the deadline. Log in to Litmos

Student Success & Instructional Tech Committee

Dedicated to the integration of technology in teaching and student learning, the SSITC plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of teaching and learning within the CSU System. It evaluates and recommends strategies for both physical and online learning environments, ensuring technological advancements align with educational goals and trends.


First NameLast NameTitleDepartment/UnitCommittee Role
ShawnArchibequeProfessorCommittee on Teaching & Learning (CoTL), College of Agricultural SciencesMember
DesireeBautistaDirector of Academic TechnologyDivision of ITCo-Chair
RyanBrooksMaster InstructorFaculty Council Committee on IT (coIT), College of Agricultural SciencesMember
MattCamperAssistant Dean of Teaching Practice & Academic Programs, Master InstructorCollege of Agricultural SciencesMember
AbbyDavidsonAssistant Provost for Student SuccessTutoring & Student Academic SupportMember
BryanGillespieDirector of ITCollege Information Technology Administrators Council (CITAC), College of Liberal ArtsMember
DeniseHenryDirector of Center for Teaching, Learning, & LeadershipCenter for Teaching, Learning, & LeadershipMember
MarioIzaguirre SierraAssistant ProfessorDepartment of BiologyMember
EliseKazmerzakStudent Success & Recruitment SpecialistCollege of Health & Human SciencesMember
KatyLittleAssociate Director for Faculty SuccessThe Institute for Learning & Teaching (TILT)Co-Chair
MargieMasseyFaculty Senate President, ProfessorSchool of EducationMember
CassidyMcLarenManager of Undergraduate AdvisingCollege of Natural SciencesMember
AllisonSwansonAssistive Technology IT CoordinatorAssistive Technology Resource CenterMember
AlyshaTarantinoDirector of CSU OnlineCSU OnlineMember
CorondaZeiglerSenior Student Success ManagerStudent SuccessMember


Overview and Responsibilities

The Student Success and Instructional Technology Committee (SSITC) considers and makes recommendations regarding academic IT needs and requirements that align with the strategic plan and future trends in higher education. The committee consults on technology issues impacting teaching, learning, advising, academic support services and student life and makes recommendations on the implementation and continuing evolution of various academic technology services.


The committee:

  • Advocates for adoption of common institutional learning technology solutions and services, as appropriate, and helps maintain an effective balance of centralized versus local department provided learning technology services and support.
  • Assesses New and Emerging Technologies in all learning venues such as: classrooms and online technologies that are emerging as technologies utilized in teaching, learning, advising, tutoring and academic support services. Evaluates evidence-based improvements to the technology underpinning new, upcoming, or anticipated developments in teaching and learning with technology.
  • Reviews Student-owned Technology that is “owned” by the students and includes defining how IT services are delivered through devices that the students are bringing to campus.
  • Considers Academic Technology Funding for learning technologies that support teaching and learning; bringing awareness to existing committees (e.g., UTFAB, CRB, and any future committee in this space) as needed.
  • Reviews and Considers Legal Issues around Technology and Pedagogy when using academic technology (e.g., privacy issues and technology-delivered content such as video, audio and storage, accessibility of academic technology and FERPA issues inherent in emerging technology, ethical issues regarding the use of learning analytics).
  • Reviews initiatives, policies or strategy decisions related to academic technology supporting Student Success.

Please note: All policy recommendations/alterations/suggestions must be coordinated appropriately with the Office of Policy and Compliance and policy owner.


The SSITC votes and makes decisions within the above charge and scope. The SSITC receives the following inputs, including, but not limited to:

  • Recommendations and decisions that are out of scope for the following committees:
    • IT Strategy Council (ITSC)
    • Demand Management Committees
      • Research
      • Administrative Systems
      • Infrastructure, Architecture & Security
    • Any recognized IT Governance (ITG) input body.
    • Analysis activities and recommendations requested by any ITG body.

Exceptions to SSITC decisions will be raised to the ITSC.


The SSITC includes faculty and student representation drawing from the following organizations:

  • Fort Collins
    • Co-Chairs from Division of IT and a Campus Representative:
    • Faculty Council
    • The Committee on Teaching and Learning
    • Advising
    • Student Life
    • CITAC Representative
    • Accessibility
    • Student Success
    • CSU Online
  • Pueblo
    • Center for Teaching, Learning & Leadership
    • Faculty Senate Representative
    • Assistant Provost for Student Success
  • CSU System

We are committed to actively seeking and incorporating diverse learner feedback from a variety of learning settings as needed, ensuring that their perspectives contribute to the continuous improvement and relevance of our educational programs.

Committee membership is determined by the role as a primary or delegated Business or IT decision-maker, with members representing their constituency in system-wide IT decisions. The Committee may seek guidance, such as forming advisory councils or involving external experts, as needed.


The Committee is to provide information on participation, agenda, and minutes to its constituencies and other members of the system-wide IT Governance community upon request. The Committee will have a Teams channel, and occasional work will be done asynchronously.

Meeting Frequency: Monthly meetings

Time Commitment: 1 to 2 hours prep and 1 hour for meeting.

Meeting Protocols: The committee shall conduct its meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. This will include the following practices:

  • Agenda: An agenda will be prepared and distributed one week prior to each meeting to outline the topics for discussion and decision-making.
  • Motion and Voting: All actions requiring formal approval will be conducted through motions and voting as outlined in Robert’s Rules.
  • Quorum: A quorum will be established ensuring that decisions are made with adequate representation.
  • Minutes: Minutes of each meeting will be recorded and made available to all members to ensure accountability and facilitate future discussions.

Reporting: The Co-Chairs along with IT department Governance group

Research and Supplemental Input Mechanisms: Should the committee require further analysis of an item, it may create a sub-committee to address this.Items as inputs, in preparation for the meeting:

  • Graphical representation of IT Infrastructure. High Level Systems list sitting on the infrastructure.
  • List of Applications, use and in what areas.
  • Status of services – any important issues in service.
  • Strategic decisions or projects from the CSU System, Demand Areas, and Division of IT (for example, student success, scaled grant, IT strategic plan)
  • Appropriate Policy and Regulation docs – if any.
  • Projects in pipeline – active, planned, desired.
  • Minutes and Actions from previous meeting.

Items as outputs for sharing with other committees and stakeholders:

  • Immediate issues from a service perspective.
  • Recommended projects with Business cases for consideration.
  • List of potential projects that are in the works but haven’t had Business cases fully developed.