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Research Technologies Committee

Focused on advancing the CSU System’s research frontier, the RTC is pivotal in aligning information technology with the evolving needs of academic research. It plays a crucial role in shaping IT strategies and policies to support faculty and student research initiatives, ensuring that technology effectively bolsters the university’s research mission.


First NameLast NameTitleDepartment/UnitCommittee Role
MichaelKirbyProfessorCollege of Natural SciencesMember
NatalieTourvilleIT ManagerCooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA)Member
NicGarrisonNetwork EngineerDivision of ITMember
DavidKingData AnalystCollege of Natural SciencesMember
BarbGustisonBusiness OfficerWarner College of Natural ResourcesMember
RebeccaMoritzBiosafety Office DirectorResearch Compliance ServicesMember
AmyCharkowskiResearch Associate DeanCollege of Agricultural SciencesMember
MaraSedlinsData Management SpecialistLibraryMember
SudeepPasrichaProfessorCollege of EgineeringMember
ChandraVenkatachalamProfessorCollege of EgineeringMember
CandaceRamseySenior Director of Research ITResearch ITCo-Chair
JohnVasquezExecutive Director of Graduate Studies & ResearchGraduate SchoolCo-Chair


Draft | January 31, 2025

Overview and Responsibilities

The Research Technologies Committee (RTC) provides input for the research mission of the CSU system by recommending IT strategies, plans and policies that support research by faculty and students. The Research Technologies Committee (RTC) provides input for the research mission of Colorado State CSU system by reviewing, evaluating, and recommending strategies, plans and policies regarding IT projects and services that support research by faculty and students. The committee solicits input from key stakeholders and constituencies across the campus to ensure that institutional needs are being met regarding technologies needed to support campus research activities.


The RTC will oversee committees, existing or developed, that serve as inputs to its overall scope, including representatives from DSRI and ISTEC. New operational groups, task forces, IT Communities of Practice (ITCoPs), or IT Stakeholder Steering Groups (ITSsGs) may be created by the RTC.

The RTC deliverables may include the following:

  • Determine needs of the research groups in relation to IT for research technology.
  • Ascertain and assess system-wide research technology IT, data management policy issues in the Standard Administrative Procedures or Executive Policy and share with the Infrastructure, Architecture & Security Committee (IASC) for review.
  • Determine needs of system-wide research science technologies and infrastructure.
  • Develop recommendations with appropriate Business Cases to the ITSC for review. The ITSC will then execute decisions or raise issues to the ITEC according to the request scope.
  • Develop plans covering technologies needed to support CSU system research activities. Strategic components are raised to the ITSC, and then endorsed by the ITEC where appropriate.
  • Make recommendations to the IASC or ITSC on the assurance of cybersecurity compliance as it relates to grant funding to enable the continuation or growth of all grant programs.

Please note: All policy recommendations/alterations/suggestions must be coordinated appropriately with the Policy Office and policy owner.


The RTC votes and makes decisions within the above charge and scope. The RTC receives the following inputs, including, but not limited to:

  • Recommendations and decisions that are out of scope for the following committees:
    • IT Strategy Council (ITSC)
    • Demand Management Committees
      • Instruction + Student Success
      • Administrative Systems
      • Infrastructure, Architecture & Security
    • Any recognized ITG input body.
    • Analysis activities and recommendations requested by any ITG body.

Exceptions to RTC decisions will be raised to the ITSC.

Co-chairs of this group shall appoint members from CSU Pueblo, Fort Collins, SPUR, and central office, with a goal of creating balance in diversity and experience.

Include representation from the following organizations:

  • Data Science Research Institute
    • Mission: To support and enhance the Data Science research environment and facilitate faculty collaborations that stimulate the development of new analytical tools and applications.
  • ISTeC (Information Science and Technology Center)
    • A system-wide organization for promoting, facilitating, and enhancing CSU’s research, education, and outreach activities pertaining to the design and innovative application of computer, communication, and information systems.


The Committee is to meet as often as necessary to fulfill its responsibilities, as determined by the Committee Chairperson(s). It is to make information on participation, agenda, and minutes available to its constituencies and other members of the system-wide IT Governance community upon request.

Meeting Frequency: Monthly meetings

Time Commitment: 2 to 3 hours prep and 1 hour for meeting.

Meeting Structure: The Co-Chairs will arrange the agenda, minutes and any relevant documentation and release them 1 week before the meeting.

Reporting: The Co-Chairs along with IT department Governance group

Documentation of Proceedings: Minutes and business case updates

Research and Supplemental Input Mechanisms: Should the committee require further analysis of an item it may create a sub-committee to address this

Items as inputs, in preparation for the meeting:

  • Graphical representation of IT Infrastructure. High Level Systems list sitting on the infrastructure.
  • List of Applications, use and in what areas.
  • Status of services – any important issues in service
  • CSU system, Demand Area and IT Strategies
  • Appropriate Policy and Reg docs – if any.
  • Projects in pipeline – active, planned, desired.
  • Minutes & Actions from previous meeting
  • Agenda
  • Items as outputs for sharing with other committees and stakeholders:
  • Immediate issues from a service perspective
  • Recommended projects with Business cases for consideration
  • List of potential projects that are in the works but haven’t had business cases fully developed.