First Name | Last Name | Title | Department/Unit | Committee Role |
Brandon | Bernier | VP of IT/CIO | Information Technology | Chair |
Karen | Estlund | Dean of Libraries | Library | Member |
Brendan | Hanlon | Vice President for University Operations & Chief Financial Officer | University Operations | Member |
Roze | Hentschell | Chief Academic Officer | CSU System | Member |
Jocelyn | Hittle | Associate Vice President for CSU Spur | Spur | Member |
Greg | Krems | Director of Finance | Information Technology | Ex-Officio |
Gail | Mackin | Provost & Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs | CSU Pueblo | Member |
Rick | Miranda | Senior Vice President | President’s Office | Member |
Cass | Moseley | Vice President for Research | Office of Vice President for Research | Member |
Garrison | Ortiz | Chief Financial Officer | CSU Pueblo | Member |
Adam | Petrea | Director of Project Services | Information Technology | Ex-Officio |
Marion | Underwood | Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs | Provost’s Office – Fort Collins | Member |
Kristyn | White Davis | Vice President for Enrollment Management & Extended Studies | CSU Pueblo | Member |
The Information Technology Executive Committee (ITEC), composed of executive leaders from across the CSU System, is responsible for shaping the strategic priorities for the Division of IT (DoIT) that includes approving budget requests for projects that will have a broad-based impact, such as the replacement of business-critical systems and launch of new services that support CSU System and/or University strategic initiatives.
- Guides and approves strategic priorities and investment for IT
- Endorses IT principles, policies, and standards
- Addresses system-level challenges that may occur with IT service interruptions, cybersecurity incidents, and other strategic matters that affect the broader CSU System population
- Approves budget requests for IT projects brought forward by the IT Strategy Committee and/or the Division of IT senior leadership team
- Ensures a balanced approach between IT investments that yield operational efficiencies and the exploration of emerging technologies
The ITEC reviews all requests brought forward by IT Strategy Committee and is the definitive decision- making body on priorities for IT investment at the CSU System, ensuring proper alignment with CSU System and individual campus priorities.
The ITEC receives formal, periodic recommendations and input from the VPIT/ CIO and IT Strategy Committee (ITSC). All IT Governance (ITG) Framework committees receive, as inputs, any output of the ITEC through a decision, directive, or other approved output mechanism. Such outputs will first route through the CIO or the ITSC.
- Review and direct requests brought forward by IT Strategy Committee
- ITEC has the authority to enact policy, execute decisions, and offer exceptions that supersede IT Strategy Committee outcomes.
- ITEC may request recommendations, input, or additional information and evaluation of potential scenarios through any one of the established IT governance committees.
The ITEC is composed of executive leaders from across the CSU system.
All members will be expected to serve a minimum of a two-year term. Committee membership will be reviewed on a 2-year basis, ensuring that there are opportunities for diverse perspectives and participation.
ITEC will be scheduled to meet quarterly, though modifications to the schedule may occur if there are time-sensitive matters that require ITEC review and input.
Items as inputs, in preparation for the meeting:
- Recommended projects, with business cases, for consideration
- Updates or changes to the Division of IT’s top priorities for projects
- Projects currently being discussed by IT governance committees – active, planned,
- Minutes and actions from previous meetings
- Agenda