Deadline for required cybersecurity training is Dec. 20 The Division of Information Technology encourages all faculty and staff to log in to Litmos and confirm the training has been completed prior to the deadline. Log in to Litmos

Resources for Fort Collins Students

Whether you’re just beginning your journey with us, or returning for another great year, the Division of IT for the CSU System will connect you with the right technology services and IT resources to set you up for success.

Before you get here

Welcome to the CSU Community, Ram! Being part of the CSU System means joining a community that always has your back. Before you arrive on campus, there are a few key things you can do to hit the ground running.

Ready in 5: Your Essential Pre-Arrival Guide

Your NetID and password are like your digital key to CSU. It’s your unique identifier that grants you access to all sorts of online services and resources. Activate your NetID to get started.

We know you value your privacy and security, and so do we! That’s why Duo two-factor authentication is required for all students. After setting up your NetID password, you can enable this extra layer of protection right on the NetID website. Make sure to use your phone number (not your parent’s) when setting up Duo.

Your CSU email will be the primary way the university shares important communications with you. Once you’ve got your NetID, your password, and Duo set up, you can log in to your email account and start getting updates on important deadlines, events, and all the exciting stuff coming your way.

Did you know all students can download and install the full version of M365 Office free of charge! Get access to Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, and more!

RamTech, CSU’s on-campus technology store, is an Apple Authorized Campus Store, and its product lineup also features other top brands like Dell, HP and Microsoft. In addition to laptops and tablets, the store stocks a wide range of accessories from trusted names such as Logitech and Skullcandy. Visit RamTech in the Lory Student Center to check out all they have to offer!

While you’re on campus

There’s so much to see and do at CSU! Take some time out of your busy schedule to learn about technology resources that can help support you in your academic journey.

Before you go

Once a Ram, always a Ram! As we congratulate our graduates or say goodbye to our departing students, here are some helpful tips and information you as you prepare to leave CSU:

Your student email account expires within a year of graduation or leaving CSU.
Access to some services (e.g. transcripts) will never expire and can be accessed through RAMrecords

You will receive an email notification when your affiliation with Colorado State University ends. Students have 1 year from that point to continue accessing central services such as their email account, the campus wireless network, Canvas, etc.  For more information, see How to prepare for expiration of your NetID.

Alumni automatically have lifetime email accounts created upon graduation. All you need to do is create a password, log in, and transfer over any information you want to keep from your account. Learn more about the Alumni: Lifetime Email Accounts