Deadline for required cybersecurity training is Dec. 20 The Division of Information Technology encourages all faculty and staff to log in to Litmos and confirm the training has been completed prior to the deadline. Log in to Litmos

Administrative Systems Committee

At the forefront of aligning administrative technology with the strategic needs of the CSU System, the ASC is pivotal in ensuring that core administrative functions such as Human Resources, Accounting, and College Administration are supported and enhanced by innovative information technology solutions. This committee is instrumental in driving cost efficiencies, fostering innovation, and enhancing communication.


First NameLast NameTitleDepartment/UnitCampusCommittee Role
RamiJalalDirector of Enterprise Resource PlanningDivision of ITFort CollinsCo-Chair
KathrynStarkeyDean of Extended StudiesExtended StudiesPuebloCo-Chair


Draft | January 31, 2025

Overview and Responsibilities

The Administrative Systems Committee (ASC) provides strategic oversight for core administrative information systems across the CSU system.

HR, power, administration of college, planning depts, etc.

Supporting core functions of CSU system…

The Administrative Systems Committee (ASC) seeks to align enterprise information technology services based on the prioritized business needs of the CSU system to:

  • Reduce cost, facilitate innovation, and promote efficient communication.
  • Ensure the diverse stakeholder needs of the CSU system are recognized.
  • Ensure the effectiveness of system-wide applications and institutional data management, while promoting compliance and information technology standards
  • Support systems promoting core functions of the CSU system, such as Human Resources, Accounting, College Administration, Planning Departments, etc.


The ASC provides assurance that plans and recommendations are evaluated against the impact on the CSU system’s mission, strategic goals, and objectives. The ASC will oversee committees, existing or developed, that serve as inputs to its overall scope. The ASC may produce the following outputs, but it’s not limited to:

  • For ASC related arenas system-wide IT needs, identify and prioritize technology-based solutions for the effective use of information technology resources to meet the operational needs of the CSU system.
  • Determine system-wide IT services, including shared services and commodity services.
  • On an annual basis hold a review of the overall Colorado State CSU system IT Service Portfolio and provide recommendations to the ITSC in the form of business cases for those changes.
  • Evaluate system-wide application and institutional data needs and make recommendations for appropriate groups (i.e., administration, staff.)
  • Creating a shared understanding between CSU system stakeholders and IT service providers regarding the onetime (project) and ongoing (system lifecycle) resource implications for CSU system resources of new systems investment.
  • Make recommendation for the retirement of existing services from a business impact perspective as new technology and services take over.
  • Determine and apply system-wide data management policies, standards, guidelines, and operating procedures related to CSU system Institutional Data assets (as approved by the Infrastructure, Architecture & Security Committee (IASC)).

Please note: All policy recommendations/alterations/suggestions must be coordinated appropriately with the Policy Office and policy owner.


The ASC votes and makes decisions within the above charge and scope. The ASC receives the following inputs, including, but not limited to:

  • Recommendations and decisions that are out of scope for the following committees:
    • IT Strategy Council (ITSC)
    • Demand Management Committees
      • Instruction + Student Success
      • Research
      • Infrastructure, Architecture & Security
    • Any recognized ITG input body.
    • Analysis activities and recommendations requested by any ITG committee.

The ASC transitions risk, policy, and security issues to the SPC identified through the course of its scope. All other exceptions are raised to the ITSC.


  • Co-Chairs from IT and a Campus Representatives
  • IT and other committee representatives from CSU Pueblo
  • IT and other committee representatives from Spur
  • Administrative Professional Council
    • CSU System
      • President’s Office
      • VP for External Relations
      • VP of CSU System Communications
      • Athletics
      • Public Safety
      • VP for Inclusive Excellence and General Counsel
    • Provost & Executive Vice President
      • VP for Faculty Affairs
      • VP for International Affairs
      • VP for Undergraduate Affairs
      • VP for Information Technology/Dean of Libraries
      • VP for Enrollment and Access
      • Dean of Graduate Studies
    • Colleges and Programs
  • Classified Personnel Council
  • HR Core Planning Team
    • HR Business Office
    • DoIT leadership
  • Finance Team Representation

Committee membership is determined by organizational role as primary or delegated Business or IT decision maker (within campus, institute, or system), role as primary or delegated Institutional Research decision maker, or role of Community of Practice Chairperson.

Membership is based on the capacity to effectively represent constituency interests in the system-wide IT decision making process.

The Committee is expected to seek guidance as necessary to fulfill its mission. Such guidance may include, but is not limited to, the creation of advisory councils and inclusion of additional internal or external experts.


The Committee is to meet as often as necessary to fulfill its responsibilities, as determined by the Committee Chairperson(s). It is to make information on participation, agenda, and minutes available to its constituencies and other members of the system-wide IT Governance community upon request.

Meeting Frequency: Monthly meetings

Time Commitment: 2 to 3 hours prep and 1 hour for meeting.

Meeting Structure: The Co-Chairs will arrange the agenda, minutes and any relevant documentation and release them 1 week before the meeting.

Reporting: The Co-Chairs along with IT department Governance group

Documentation of Proceedings: Minutes and business case updates

Research and Supplemental Input Mechanisms: Should the committee require further analysis of an item it may create a sub-committee to address this

Items as inputs, in preparation for the meeting:

  • Graphical representation of IT Infrastructure. High Level Systems list sitting on the infrastructure.
  • List of Applications, use and in what areas.
  • Status of services – any important issues in service
  • CSU system, Demand Area and IT Strategies
  • Appropriate Policy and Reg docs – if any.
  • Projects in pipeline – active, planned, desired.
  • Minutes & Actions from previous meeting
  • Agenda

Items as outputs for sharing with other committees and stakeholders:

  • Immediate issues from a service perspective
  • Recommended projects with Business cases for consideration
  • List of potential projects that are in the works but haven’t had Business cases fully developed.